
Breaking the boundaries of traditional learning.

Class Reality

An educational platform that combines learning with
gamification in the VR space. With the transformation of
typical VR-style games into an educational use, it leads to
higher levels of focus and engagement, less distractions,
and an overall atmosphere of fun and joy.

Find out more
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The Highlights

App Features



Utilizes physical activity and interactions within VR to creative a fully immersive educational environment



Simplicity in the interface and website to ensure ease of use and increase accessibility



Website database for input of the study information, making it easy to use for teachers.



Study information is fully customizable to any class or subject to fit the learning needs of any user

Meet the


Nick Severson

Nick Severson

Meet Nick, one of the team's App Develops! Nick is a senior majoring in Computer Science and pursuing the New Media Certificate. His skills include full stack programming and database management. Nick has worked on the Alpha, Beta, 1.0/1.1/Final releases of Class Reality.
Oscar Parada

Oscar Parada

Meet Oscar, one of the team’s App Developers! Oscar is a senior majoring in Computer Science and pursuing the New Media Certificate. His skills include web development with JavaScript and CSS, experience with 3D modeling software Blender, and game development with Unity and C#. Oscar has worked on the Alpha, Beta, and 1.0/1.1 releases of Class Reality.
Mary Renfroe

Mary Renfroe

Meet Mary, the team creative director! Mary is a senior majoring in Public Relations and International Affairs as well as pursuing a certificate in New Media. Some of her talents lie in Adobe Creative Cloud such as InDesign and Photoshop as well as graphic design, writing, editing, branding, and web design. Mary has worked on the visual design guide, branding, press materials, website, and UX map.
Devon Dooley

Devon Dooley

Meet Devon, the team research analyst! Devon is a senior majoring in Marketing with a digital emphasis and certificates in New Media, Sustainability, and Personal & Organizational Leadership. Some of her relevant skills are organization, communication, writing, editing, and marketing research. Devon has worked on exploratory and consumer research, promotional materials, and presentation design.
Hyde Healy

Hyde Healy

Meet Hyde, the team Video Co-Director! Hyde is a senior majoring in Entertainment and Media Studies, minoring in philosophy, and pursuing the New Media Certificate. His skills include copywriting, video production, scriptwriting, and social media marketing. Hyde has worked on press materials and creating the video trailer for this project.
Suraj Gubbala

Suraj Gubbala

Meet Suraj, the team Video Director! Suraj is a senior majoring in Entertainment and Media Studies and pursuing the New Media Certificate. His skills include video production, editing, as well as creative writing. Suraj has worked on creating the video trailer for this project.

Checkpoint Two


Checkpoint Three


Checkpoint Four


Final Deliverables

New Media Institute

Breaking the boundaries of traditional learning.

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