
Visual Design Guide

Behind the



In crafting our logo for Tranquil, we took inspiration from Apple's design ethos, particularly the Apple Vision Pro product. We aimed for a sleek, high-tech look that seamlessly integrates into users' lives, creating a sense of belonging within the Apple ecosystem.

Our logo embodies simplicity while incorporating subtle dimensions. A 2022 Capstone project, Blitz, guided our decision to prioritize the flashcard feature as the core element of our study app. The central orange flashcard is the main focus, with stacked layers of cards in the background to add a touch of movement and life. Design elements from Apple Books and the Mindfulness app and Activity rings on watchOS also influenced our design choices.


Our color choices were influenced by Apple's visual branding, emphasizing an immersive and calming experience. Here's our palette:
Sunset Orange: Using the exact HEX code from Apple's Apple Vision Pro product website (#FF5E0C), we aim to evoke a sense of warmth, tranquility, and attention.
Coral Reef: A nod to the underwater immersive environment, this color adds a calming, lighter variation of orange (#FF9864).
White: A clean canvas for focus and clarity.
Sandstone: Subtle yet grounding, it complements our vision of a serene environment (#D2CCCB).
Midnight Grey: Provides a touch of sophistication and elegance, akin to Apple's sleek designs (#3D3D3D).
These colors aim to remind users of the tranquil atmospheres they can immerse in while studying and pursuing their goals.


For Tranquil's typography, we chose the system font for visionOS - SF Pro, echoing Apple's design language. The variations of SF Pro ensure a seamless connection to the Apple aesthetic.
SF Pro Bold: Size 24 Font Used in Logos, Headers, and Titles.
SF Pro Medium: Size 18 Font Used in Sub-Headings and Quotes.
SF Pro Text Light: Size 14 Font Used in Body Text.
These fonts embody a sleek and straightforward feel, echoing Apple's modern and timeless design language, creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Final Note

In crafting Tranquil's branding, every choice was made thoughtfully, with the aim of seamlessly integrating into users' lives and helping them achieve their goals while embracing a state of tranquility. The sleek, simple logo design with a touch of dimension, paired with our carefully chosen colors and fonts, encapsulates our vision of a product that's not just a tool, but a tranquil companion on your journey to success.

New Media Institute

Study Different.

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