
The easy way to take attendance.


Only on Slack.
Have a time-stamped record of daily attendance.
Efficient and simple.

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Slack API

Project Details

MarkMe was created to fill an issue in the classroom where traditional and paid attendance methods have become inefficient and tedious for both instructors and students. We have made a free, easy way to take attendance so that everyone can be marked present.


Slack API

MarkMe was created using Slack API. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a software intermediary where two applications talk to each other.


User Experience

MarkMe has the option for both administrators (ex. - professors) and regular users (ex. - students). Once the app is downloaded into the admin's workspace, they are able to launch MarkMe to send a message out to take attendance, which users can respond to with the push of a button.



MarkMe allows for its admin users to set a time frame for attendance results to be collected, from 10 seconds to 1 minute..


Data Collection

Once the time alloted for attendance has ended, the results of who's present and who's absent will instantly appear on the admin's screen and remain in the Slack channel for easy access.

Meet the


Team Member Name
Riley is a 4th year Marketing major who has overseen the development of MarkMe's brand design and image, including our brand logo, aesthetic layout, color palettes, typography, and social media campaigns on Facebook and Google.
Team Member Name
Anna is a 4th year Journalism major who has worked to communicate MarkMe through information we present to our customers. She has worked on our social media campaigns and facilitated communication with various professors and students at the University of Georgia during the conceptualization of MarkMe.
Abdul Shalabi
Abdul is a 4th year MIS major who has administered and facilitated the technical aspects of MarkMe, ranging from planning, building, testing, and releasing the application.
Team Member Name
Jennifer is a 3rd year Management major who has coordinated the details that bring the project together including inside and outside research, application logistical materials, and website development.
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Google Ads

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our Google ad campaign for MarkMe.


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ads for MarkMe.


7-22 MAY | by Slack API

building24 people going


Trip to SLAM
60% completed

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