
Project Overview


Haptic Technology

Experience flooring using vibrations in your phone.


User Friendly

Easily naviagte through various flooring types.


Virtual Flooring

A variety of flooring can be expereinced without tangible samples.


Mobile Application

Coming soon to an app store near you!

Meet the


Aries Aviles

Aries Aviles

Software Lead
Aries is a fifth year Computer Science major pursuing the New Media Certification. Aries comes up with fast solutions and loves to push the boundaries of new and old technologies. They are currently an intern with Metropolis, a healthcare startup based in Dallas, TX and will be continuing their career there as a Software Developer after graduating in December 2021.
Katherine Crocker

Katherine Crocker

Project Manager
Katherine is a fourth year journalism major with a focus in broadcast and will graduate in December 2021. She has a minor in fashion merchandising and is currently pursuing a certificate in New Media studies. Katherine will begin her Emerging Media masters program in January 2022.
Grace Eberhard

Grace Eberhard

Visual Content Manager
Grace is a fourth year student pursing a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design alongside pursing a New Media Certificate. Grace currently works for the University of Georgia Marketing and Communications and will be graduating in Spring 2022.
Lauren Pike

Lauren Pike

Communications Director
Lauren is a fourth year agricultural communications major and will graduate in May 2022. She is also pursuing a certificate in New Media studies. After college, Lauren hopes to serve as a 4-H Extension Agent and persue a master's degree.
Mariel Walts

Mariel Walts

Business Manager
Mariel is a fourth year Marketing major with an emphasis in digital marketing. She is also pursuing the New Media Certificate. Mariel will graduate in May of 2022 and plans to work for Ford Motor Company following graduation.
New Media Institute

Make something work. Then, make it work better.

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